Welkom en onthaal
Onthaal en welkom bij een warme kop koffie, wat versnaperingen en een informele babbel.
Mathias VermeulenLearning Experience Design: matching engagement and learning science
It’s easy to “follow the process” to create content. Whether you’re following ADDIE, your in-house process, or just what your tool makes it easy to do, it’s straightforward to create courses (and to have them viewed as boring, if not painful and to be avoided at all costs!) Moreover, tarting them up with avatars, jazzy images, and cartoons just isn’t the same as baking in some real, intrinsic motivation. So is there a way to make learning truly engaging? The answer is a resounding yes!
In this workshop, you’ll go through the alignment that makes effective learning experiences engaging. You’ll explore introductions that open the learner up to the experience, examples that are engaging and effective, and practice activities that are truly fun. You’ll look at closings that leave learners ready and raring to go. You’ll work through how to get what you need from experts (and the traps to avoid), when and how to exaggerate, and the window-dressing to include (and eschew). Designing engagement isn’t a one-off thing; it’s a set of systematic yet creative actions that reliably yield experiences that are effective and appropriately engage emotions. Come have some fun while finding out how.
In this session, you will learn:
* The four introductions that open up learners to learning
* How to make practice that feels like play, yet delivers real outcomes
* Examples that engage as well as inform
* The emotional trajectories of effective experience
Onthaal en welkom
Onthaal en welkom bij een warme kop koffie, wat versnaperingen en een informele babbel.
Kick-off #LearningTechDay 2020
Korte inleiding, toelichting bij programma en officiële aftrap van de conferentie.
Mathias VermeulenThe Revolution L&D needs to have
A 2020 View of UI Design Trends
Each day we are exposed to multitudes of user interfaces (UI) in media, marketing, and design, all geared to grab our attention. Specific techniques are used to draw us to the next item, scroll down, click here/there, make that purchase, watch that video, or look at that picture. Adopting these techniques and implementing them into our eLearning designs can have a similar engaging impact on learners.
In this session, you will learn about current and future UI design trends from the web, marketing, and graphic designs. We’ll examine what these trends are, why they are useful, where are they heading, and how they are being incorporated into instructional design projects. This will be of interest to anyone that is designing and developing instructional materials. You will understand the current trends in mainstream media, and how we can utilize this appeal to improve our own design processes. Together we will explore and see how these design elements can and have been used in eLearning development.
In this session, you will learn:
* Top design elements that are trending in web, marketing, and graphic design media
* Why these elements are important to users and designers
* How we can incorporate these design trends into our own projects
* Where to find examples, inspiration, and resources to incorporate into your own designs
Lunchbuffet en tijd voor een informele babbel met L&D-collega’s
Jeukjargon in HR en L&D
- Zebrastraat 32, 9000 Gent
- info@zebrastraat.be
- 0471 31 00 01